Welcome to HONEST LOVE Fertility & Couples Counselling Services, where we offer a supportive and compassionate space for individuals and couples navigating fertility issues and relationship struggles.

Providing you with a safe space

In person sessions are offered in Toronto Wellness Collective at College and Bathurst, Toronto. Virtual sessions are also available if it is more comfortable and more convenient for you.

pink and white lotus flower
pink and white lotus flower
Fertility & Perinatal Counselling
people holding hands together
people holding hands together
Couples Counselling
group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime
group of people sitting on bench near trees duting daytime
Group Counselling
Free 20 minute consultations!


Blogs on topics such as preconception counselling, anxiety during pregnancy, and communication skills for couples.

MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table
MacBook Pro, white ceramic mug,and black smartphone on table